A SONIC CD Retrospective

Developer: Sonic Team Japan | Year of Release: 1993 | Platform(s): Mega CD , Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network| Genre: Platform | Reviewed on: Xbox Live Arcade

Sonic the Time Sweeper

Whilst it may sound like some Sonic the Hedgehog mixtape, Sonic CD is actually a full-on 2D platformer not too dis-similar from the original Sonic trilogy. The stand out feature of Sonic CD is time-travel; as Dr.Eggman has manipulated time in order to conduct his schemes and it’s up to Sonic to stop him. This is implemented in such a way that speed has a new purpose, as with enough speed and a bit of luck Sonic can travel through time.

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Developer: Sonic Team | Year of Release: 2015 | Platform(s): iOS, Android | Genre: Platform/Endless Runner | Reviewed on: Android

Modern Sonic games often get accused of neglecting the apparently sole attribute that made the 16-bit originals great: running fast. More often than not, whenever Sega attempt to bring something new or return  to ways of old, they’re ferociously slandered by critics and fans alike regardless of whether it’s warranted or not.

The general consensus is that Sonic is allowed to run and do nothing else, which brings us to Sonic Runners. Available on a smartphone near you, Sonic Runners is a free-to-play endless runner combining precise 2D side-scrolling platforming with Sonic’s “Need for Speed” and it’s bloody brilliant.

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The Troubled History of SHENMUE

After over a decade of extinction the Shenmue saga finally rose from the dead when Shenmue 3 was announced at Sony 2015’s E3 conference to overwhelming applause. Since then the series has gathered mainstream attention and while there are many that adore Shenmue there are just as many who have never heard of the cult classics and are wondering what the fuss is all about.

As far as I’m concerned the Shenmue series should be up there with Metal Gear Solid and Legend of Zelda but it was never straight sailing for Shenmue. Whilst the games provided expansive open-worlds rich with life, culture and interaction fuelled by an emotionally driven storyline issues being confined to limited audiences alongside budgeting issues and numerous delays meant that Shenmue never got the time in the spotlight it really deserved.
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Every fighting game fan remembers where they were when two of Japan’s biggest fighting franchises announced the biggest crossover of all time! The likes of Ryu and Chun Li facing of against Jin and the Mishima clan was something of a dream. Fast forward a few years later and Street Fighter X Tekken is rarely spoken of and pretty much shunned by the fighting game community. The fact that Capcom went back to release another edition of Street Fighter 4  just proves how unpopular SFXT has become. Continue reading

When SHENMUE broke the internet…

For over a decade one game has been more requested than anything. Whenever there was a “Games we want to see”…this game would always be top of the list. Since that cliffhanger ending in 2001 us fans have been waiting for 14 years to complete Ryo Hazuki’s quest to vengeance his father. Every E3 fans would wait for an announcement and every year it never came.

Funding was always the issue. The first game ended being the most expensive game ever at the time and despite being a hit Sega never made any profit from either of first two games. So, understandably Sega have been reluctant to produce a third title and we’ve been stuck in this rut ever since.

The first sign came when series creator Yu Suzuki tweeted that he was at E3 along a picture of a forklift an obvious reference to Ryo’s job in the first game. On 15th June 2015 at Sony’s E3 Conference Yu Suzuki announced what the world had been waiting for…

… and Shenmue 3 broke the internet.

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The SEGA Situation

In case you haven’t heard, for the first time ever, Sega will not be present at this year’s E3 2015 event. As the news spread around the gaming outfit; many were left wondering whether this meant something more? Sega themselves stated the reason was because of their “relocation to Southern California which is occurring at the same time.

It’s no secret that Sega have been struggling for years; focusing more on Japan and mobile gaming leaving only a trickle of games for the home console market.  Which begs the question: “Do they even have anything to show at E3?”

sega e3

For the first time ever; Sega will not be present at the annual E3 gaming Expo.

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STEP 1 – “The Sonic series is not what it used to be”. “It just doesn’t feel like the good ol’ days.”

Always be sure start off with the Sonic series’s decline in quality. For example, “Sonic doesn’t control as he did in the good ol’ days.” But don’t elaborate on what you mean by this exactly. Just say it because it’s what everyone else says and you also want to look cool.  

STEP 2 – Always reference Mario. Always.

Make Super Mario references whenever possible. There must at least be two Mario references to make a good Sonic review. Be sure to credit anything positive in the game as something borrowed from the Mario franchise and ignore the fact that may not actually be the case.

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Why SUPERMAN games don’t work

Nikyle's Two Pence

Will a Superman game ever be as good as Arkham city?

Ever played a good Superman game? Nope, Me neither. Why is that? Batman’s had much success in the video game world as of late and DC have also had other gaming success with DC Universe games and the recent fighting games Injustice. However, when it comes to Superman, things don’t tend to go as well.

While they have tired, many times, Superman is well-known for having a terrible relationship with games. Superman 64 is widely considered to be the worst video game of all time. So what exactly is the problem?

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5 Unpopular DRAGON BALL Z Opinions

Z Fighters

Dragon Ball Z is an anime that almost 90s kids loved. Not only did it achieve legendary status in Japan; DBZ catapulted the Anime genre in the West. But was it that perfect show we all thought it was as kids? Certainly not. Whether or not our standards for entertainment were lower in our younger years or that fact that we have so much choice of anime now days; it’s definitely safe to say DBZ did had its flaws. And since everyone loves lists….

1: Frieza is DBZ’s Greatest Villain 

These day everyone seems to love their villains just as much as their heroes. Look out character like The Joker or Loki. Just as loved as their hero counterparts. Names like Broly, Kid Buu and Cell first come to mind when it comes to DBZ’s most popular villians. However, did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe Frieza is the epitome of DBZ villains?

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The Road to a JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie: A Decade in Waiting

Another Castle

Source: LeBlogdeShige.com Art: Alex Ross Source: LeBlogdeShige.com
Art: Alex Ross

The Marvel Cinematic Universe: A series of blockbuster superhero films, featuring Marvel’s finest comic-book heroes, all set in one single universe. Starting off with Iron Man in 2008, the MCU has become a major success with the first phase of films allowing the franchise become the second largest film franchise ever in such a short space of time then culminating with the mega-blockbuster title that was The Avengers.

While it’s been smooth sailing for Marvel, it has been anything but for DC. DC Comics have been playing catch-up for a long time now with their intentions to establish there own ‘DC Cinematic Universe’ as well their major superhero film: Justice League. DC have been playing catch up for years now.

Would they simply emulate the Marvel strategy or simply throw in all their big guns at once? One thing that is certain…

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JUSTICE LEAGUE: The Flashpoint Paradox Review

“Accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can and have the wisdom to tell the difference.” The film starts of with a young Barry Allen chasing after cars on the motorway trying to hitch a ride after being stranded on a motorway. “So much irony here” I thought to myself. “I’m already in love with this film already”.

This world has never heard of Superman, Hal Jordan was never given a Green Lantern ring and Bruce Wayne was shot that night in Crime Valley. Barry Allen has woken up in a world where he has lost his powers but has to race races time to put things right before Wonder Woman and Aquaman start World War 3!

Contains light spoilers..

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Your resident weapons-based fighting game series is back. Though SoulCalibur 5 was originally released in February 2012; it took a recent Xbox Live sale for me to pick this up. The recurring theme in SoulCalibur 5 is change. About only half the previous roster return and some Street Fighter 2D Fighter features have been thrown into the mix. The SoulCalibur devs’ have never been afraid to introduce or alter core game elements in the past and that’s evident here.

A New Tale of Souls and Swords…

Soul Calibur 5 is set 17 years after Soul Calibur 4. So SC5  hosts a “new generation” of fighters; meaning many fan favourites have either been replaced or removed completely. Poor Yun-Seng. Whether it’s successors such as Natsu, Xiba and Leixia or completely new fighters such as Z.W.E.I and Viola . These newbies come with distinctive styles of play. One might even say gimmicky.

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WRESTLEMANIA 30 Feud Building

Will Brock Lesnar be the one to the finally end Undertaker’s 21-0 streak at Wrestlemania? We already know the answer to that.

Brock Lensar vs Undertaker: Premature Escalation 

Firstly, Called it! Undertaker returns once a year for Wrestlemania but there were very few WWE Superstars on the current roster who would serve as a new and worthy challenger to break Undertaker’s undefeated Wrestlemainia streak. The only two big enough Superstars in my book are Brock Lensar and John Cena and it was heavily hinted that Cena would feud with the Wyatt Family leaving Lesnar to be the only candidate.

And while Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker is certainly a match that will sell tickets; my only concern is how quickly it was set up. Brock Lensar and Paul Heyman cut a promo about their newly acquired contract allowing them to take on any challenger at Wrestlemania 30. After a couple of minutes Undertaker, who hadn’t appeared in the WWE for almost a year, returned to accept the open challenge which ended with Lesnar being chokeslammed through the table.

This is all good stuff but the “feud” had only started literally about five minutes ago. The whole thing may have climaxed too soon if you ask me and I don’t see how they’re genna top that in the coming weeks.

Undertaker chokeslams Brock Lesnar 5 minutes into their feud. I don’t see how they’re genna top that in the coming weeks.

The problem is that this match is a forgone conclusion. Everyone knows Undertaker is winning. ‘Taker doesn’t lose at ‘Mania and Brock Lesnar, a guy who once ditch the WWE after they spent millions on him, is not going to be the one to change that. So the question is how do they at least make Lesnar seems like a credible challenger?

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Making a GREEN ARROW Game

Green Arrow can never be as popular as he is now. Is it time for a Green Arrow video game?

The Green Arrow character has never been as popular as he is now. Is it now time for a Green Arrow video game?

A few months ago I wrote a couple of articles concerning The Struggles of Making a Superman Video Game. I stressed that while Batman’s human limitations enable him to make a success of the video game world; Superman’s many superpowers oppose traditional “video game rules” making it difficult to create a worthwhile Superman game.

At the time of writing that article I was playing the latest Tomb Raider which reminded me a lot of another DC superhero: Green Arrow. Tomb Raider’s storyline is near identical to Green Arrow’s origins story .among other similarities. Lara rocking a bow for one. Throughout the entire game I was always thinking “What if this was a Green Arrow game?”  

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The Obstacles to FIGHTING GAMES

“Button Bashing”? Wrong. Fighters can be the most intimidating, strategic competitive games around.

Fighting Games can be the most enjoyable and competitive games around but they are also becoming increasingly inaccessible for newcomers Armed with several complex features they have put off several casual gamers in the process.

Recently, “the saviors of the gaming world”, IGN, posted a “Fighting Game for Beginners” guide advising gamers new to fighting games as to which games were “novice-friendly” and which games that were not. Bear in mind this guide was a meant for newcomers who want to play fighting games casually not competitively. And with that in mind, Gaming Experts (*ahem) IGN have made complete mess of things as usual.

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